Crowns of Glory

Once upon a time in a country far, far away and quite some years ago, in a land where the bible had become a forbidden book, there was a young man who wanted to try his luck in the world. The call of the world, a siren song of adventure and riches, echoed in his ears, and seemed a far more enticing prospect than the mundane existence of a farmer’s son. He thought it would be better to start fresh somewhere else, build a new life and make a name for himself. He was confident that he was protected and nothing would happen to him. After all, he was smart and could fool all the right people. Life was good, God was good, and he was good. The problem was that he wasn’t as good as he thought he was, and he didn’t fool all the right people. Rather, it turned out the wrong people fooled him and took him on an adventure that changed everything; his life, his outlook on things, and even his understanding of God.

Crowns of Glory is available both in ebook format and as a paperback copy and can be bought at Amazon.

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