
The first time I told someone I was working as a ghostwriter, he frowned, smacked his lips and said, “That sounds scary.” He obviously thought I dabbled in dark stories with ghosts and spooks as the principal characters; terrorizing gentle, unsuspecting people like you and me. Of course, that’s not true at all.

What then, is a ghostwriter?

I agree, the name can be a bit confusing to the unsuspecting soul, but working as a ghostwriter has nothing to do with the above-mentioned scenario. On the contrary, as a ghostwriter, I have written over 40 romantic novels that are as far away from the dark side of life as the East is from the West.

Wikipedia helps: “A ghostwriter is a catch phrase and unofficial term for a human person who is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are putatively credited to another person as the author.”

Therefore ...

This means my name is not on those books I wrote and that are sold on the various platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and others. Someone else sells those books under his or her name.

No credit to me, but I don’t mind, for it is your book that counts, and it is your story or message that needs to be published. You might have a great idea or an important story to tell, but if you’re not skilled in the writer’s field or you are too busy to write, then I can write it for you. Even though I write it, your story belongs to you and to you alone and you own all the rights.

We both benefit. You get your story out there, while I have the fun of writing it. That, as a writer, is still the best part of it all, as I get to live the emotions of all the various characters and embark with them on life-changing adventures, or, if your story is not fiction, I get to delve into interesting subjects that need to be written with clarity and style.


My point?

Do you have a story that you want to tell the world, but can’t get it done for whatever reason? I can help.
A second set of eyes will double-check my work and make sure it is edited properly, without any errors in grammar or spelling. I work for a reasonable rate and will consistently deliver according to our agreement, always punctual.

No surprises.

Still interested. Then contact me and we can talk about your project. I am happy to help to make your dream come true and get your story out there.

“I'm all for the scissors. I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil.”

- Truman Capote

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